Thursday, 22 December 2011

Christmas time, tramadol and unfotunatly no wine!

So I haven't posted in a blog in quite a while! I don't think Iv'e been on planet earth!!

I'm really looking forward to christmas this year, and my birthday thats only two days before! I'm just slightly worried about everything going on inside me! I'm trying to rest up as much as I can so I have a really fantastic christmas period!

But with the build up towards christmas, i've not had the best time! I've seen my doctor god knows how many times! Ans been prescribed so many drugs! I am now taking, Tramadol, Naproxin, Codeine, Ibuprofen and paracetomal.

Needless to say, it doesn't touch me!

But to add to the stress of things, I can't sleep, and when I do, im having really awful nightmares! There so terrifying! I had to go back to my GP to talk about it! So he gave me three options.

Another Pain killer, An anti depressant called Amitriptyline or Morphine! I choose the anti depressent because my GP explained a low dose would help me sleep and control my night mares!

I've been on it four four nights now, and I willl say it hasn't touched me! I've done a lot of research on the drug, and learnt and been told that they have felt relaxed or been knocked out by the drug and always feeling drowsy. Iv'e not had anything, But i've decidd to try it over christmas as it may get better and my body may get used to it!

If not ill be back to my GP as our last option is Morphine, But finger crossed this works for me!!

I hope every one has a brilliant christmas and new year!


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