Friday, 24 February 2012


So I went back for my check up. And things have got worse again! NO FAIR!!

During the week I decided to start my singing up again, because of my health problems I had to stop for over  a year, Now was the time to carry on. I was feeling good and up loaded some videos on to youtube. I also started looking for bands, Hurrah, I had an audition on the monday.

On the way I started getting a twinging pain in my right side, it was gradually getting worse, but I just pushed through it. During my audition it started getting really painful, and for the whole hour I had to stand!

It was killing me, but I carried on, I done the best I could!

When I got home, I ate and went to bed, I was so physically exhausted that I fell straight to sleep!

At 1 am I woke up in the most unbearable pain, I was grabbing at anything, I wanted to scream, there wasnt anything I could do to stop it! It got all to much for me that I passed out!

When I woke up again, I was white as a ghost, and felt as if I was hungover!

My boyfriend drove me to my doctors and when I was seen, the first thing she said to me was 'God! You look awful!' Thanks love!

I spoke about the pains I had, and how everything had got worse since last time. She decided action needed to be taken and phoned the hospital, I have an emergency appointment very soon!

The pains since have still been bad, I've had days where I can barely stand because of it. Im on a constant rollercoaster. Always up and down!

Hopefully this gets sorted very soon!

But on the bright side, I've been accepted for ESA which is a benefit for people whos ilnesses effect there work. And i've also applied for a bus pass, I normally walk everywhere, but its become such a struggle!

But we shall see!!

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